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Exploring Modern Trends in Alternative Funeral Options

Traditionally, the concept of a funeral often conjures images of somber gatherings, black attire, and the quiet contemplation around a casket in a cemetery. While those practices are meaningful to some, there are now numerous alternative funeral options for how you may choose to bid farewell to a loved one. Modern trends in alternative funeral options are challenging the conventional norms, offering unique ways to honor and remember the loved one who has passed. Today, we delve into the evolving landscape of alternative funeral options, exploring alternatives beyond the traditional casket burial, cemetery setting, and funeral home gathering.

Alternative Funeral Options: Rethinking the Casket

In recent years, an increasing number of families have been opting for alternatives to traditional casket burials. There are a number of factors contributing to this. One primary factor is a growing awareness of environmental concerns associated with traditional burial practices. Families are increasingly mindful of the ecological impact of embalming fluids, non-biodegradable caskets, and the use of land for cemeteries. Consequently, many individuals are seeking greener alternatives, such as cremation or natural burial options, which many consider to be more environmentally friendly. Additionally, the rising costs associated with traditional casket burials, including cemetery plots, caskets, and funeral services, are prompting families to explore more cost-effective alternatives. Cremation, for example, is often more affordable and provides families with greater flexibility in memorialization choices, such as where they gather their family and friends. Overall, a combination of environmental awareness and economic considerations is steering families toward alternative burial options that align with their values and financial circumstances. Below are a few alternative funeral options you may find helpful to consider if you are looking for options beyond a casket burial:

  • Cremation: Cremation has become a widely accepted alternative to traditional burials. This process involves reducing the body to ashes through intense heat. The ashes can then be stored in urns, scattered, or even incorporated into memorial items.
  • Water Cremation: Also known as aquamation or alkaline hydrolysis, water cremation is an alternative funeral option that many consider to be an eco-friendly alternative. The body is dissolved in a solution of water and alkali. This process has a lower environmental impact compared to traditional burial methods.
  • Solidified Remains: Some companies offer innovative solutions like turning cremated remains into solidified objects. These can range from sculptures to memorial stones, providing a tangible and unique way to remember a loved one.
  • Human Composting: Pushing the boundaries of tradition even further, human composting involves the natural decomposition of the body into nutrient-rich soil. This sustainable option is becoming available in an increasing number of states. It is gaining traction as an environmentally friendly choice, allowing the the individual who has passed to contribute to the circle of life.

Alternative Funeral Options: Beyond the Cemetery

Gone are the days when the traditional cemetery was the only option to lay a loved one to rest. Modern Americans are increasingly mobile, and live in numerous locations over the course of their lifetime. Many families are spread across multiple cities, states, and even countries. As a result, the traditional concept of the “family burial plot” is not as meaningful to many families as it once was. Additionally, many individuals are motivated to find a more eco-friendly option. Still others choose cemetery alternatives because they are looking for a more personalized location to lay a loved one to rest. If you are looking for alternative funeral options beyond the traditional cemetery burial setting, below are some options you may find helpful to consider:

  • Scattering Ashes: Many families prefer to scatter or bury a loved one’s ashes in a place with sentimental significance instead of laying a loved one’s ashes to rest in a traditional cemetery. Scattering a loved one’s ashes at sea or in a state park are examples. It is advisable to check local laws before selecting a location for ash scattering, as regulations can vary from one state to another.
  • Memorial Forests: Rather than traditional cemeteries, memorial forests are emerging as serene alternative funeral options. Families can choose to have their loved ones’ ashes scattered or buried amidst the beauty of nature, contributing to the growth of trees and the preservation of green spaces.
  • Green Cemeteries: Green cemeteries focus on environmental sustainability, utilizing biodegradable caskets or shrouds. They also often do not require the use of concrete vaults or liners around the casket. The aim is to minimize the ecological footprint associated with burials, allowing the natural decomposition process to take place.
  • Shooting Ashes into Space: For those with a cosmic outlook, space burials have become an increasingly popular alternative funeral option. Some companies now offer services to launch a portion of the cremated remains into space, providing a celestial resting place for the individual who passed away.
  • Burying Ashes in a Coral Reef: Combining memorialization with a marine setting, some organizations allow ashes to be incorporated into artificial reefs. These reefs provide a unique and lasting marine tribute.
  • Turning Ashes into Jewelry: Another creative way to keep a loved one’s memory alive is by transforming cremated remains into memorial jewelry. Rings, pendants, and other pieces can discreetly hold a small portion of ashes, allowing loved ones to carry a tangible connection.

Alternative Funeral Options: Rethinking the Funeral Home Gathering

Recent consumer surveys have found that many families in the United States today say they would prefer to gather outside the funeral home environment when bringing their family and friends together in honor of a loved one’s life. To explain why, they state they are looking for a more “relaxed,” “casual,” or “happy” setting in which to remember and celebrate their loved one. As such, many alternative funeral options involve families departing from the formal atmosphere of funeral homes and opting for personalized celebrations of life. This often involves unique locations and unique ceremonies tailored to the life and personality of the loved one who passed.

  • Choosing An Alternative Setting: Alternative funeral options often involve choosing a setting that feels right for the personality of the loved one who has passed. Perhaps it is a location that holds sentimental value for them, like the bar where they gathered with the soccer team after each weekend’s match. Or it could be a location that fits their personality, like a park, forest, or beach setting for someone who loved the outdoors. Lighten once held a celebration at a botanic garden on earth day, for a gentleman who was very eco-conscious and loved to ride his bike near the botanic garden. These alternative settings can often create a more positive and comforting atmosphere.
  • Creating A Personalized Ceremony: Alternative funeral options often incorporate a celebration of life ceremony or program that can often feel more personalized and uplifting than the one-size-fits-all funeral. Reflecting on the individual’s life, values, and passions can help guide the content of the ceremony. You may choose to incorporate their favorite prayers, readings, and poems that held special significance to them. Music can also be an important component – you may consider selecting music that resonates with their spirit, perhaps including tracks that were their favorites or had a special place in their heart. You may also choose to integrate a collection of photos and videos that capture cherished moments, creating a visual narrative of their life journey. You may consider involving friends and family in sharing anecdotes or memories during the ceremony to add a personal touch.
  • Considering A Virtual Ceremony: In the age of technology, virtual memorials have gained popularity in the category of alternative funeral options, allowing people to come together online to share memories, photos, and condolences. This option can transcend geographical barriers, enabling a broader community to participate in remembering a loved one. Still others choose to hold an in-person ceremony, but include a videographer to livestream the ceremony to those who cannot be present in person.

When considering alternative funeral options, there are many modern options that are gaining popularity. When it comes to the variety of traditional or modern options available, there is not single “right way” or category of options that are “better” than the others. The key is often doing what feels right for the loved one who passed away, and their family. A personalized approach can honor the unique essence of a loved one, and also provide solace and comfort to those in attendance. It often fosters a sense of connection and shared love for the person being remembered.

For more examples of alternative funeral options, and unique memorials you can browse the Lighten Blog as a helpful resource. If you’re looking for support in making arrangements for your personalized memorial or planning a unique gathering for your loved one, you can start a conversation with Lighten today.