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Guidance for Preparing a Memorial Speech

When you are given the opportunity to speak at a close friend or family member’s celebration of life, it is natural to feel both honored and nervous. Especially during what might be a time of high emotions, you may be lost on where to start and the “right” thing to say. There is no right or wrong way to speak to the unique life of your loved one. But a little guidance on getting started might help. In this article, we aim to help you both prepare a memorial speech and deliver it confidently. 

Preparing a Memorial Speech

Because a memorial speech may invoke more emotions than other public speaking events, you may find it helpful to go in with a prepared speech, rather than performing improvised words at the event itself. Here are some steps to help begin your preparation.


After you have been asked to speak, give yourself ample time before the event to intentionally brainstorm fond memories or enjoyable stories that you and your loved one shared. You may also consider impactful lessons or perspectives you gained from your loved one. Asking close friends or family members to brainstorm with you can be another way to gather meaningful insights and memories for your speech.

While brainstorming, it may be comforting to remember that there is no one right thing to say. A memorial speech can honor the memory of the loved one in many ways. 

Drafting a Memorial Speech

The main content of your speech can take a variety of forms. Some speakers include quotes, poems, or scripture verses in a memorial speech. Others tell a story they feel encompasses the spirit or impact of their loved one. You may also incorporate both styles by telling a story you feel exemplifies a meaningful quote or verse.

The personality of your loved one may help you choose the approach you want to take to your memorial speech. If your loved one had quotes they were known for, telling stories about how they embodied those quotes could be a very fitting approach for the memorial speech. Perhaps they were a person of faith. Reading a scripture verse they lived by or took comfort in can be a beautiful way to honor what was important to them. Some speakers choose to read a quote or poem that provides hope for life after death or that can be coupled with a story about the beauty of life. If you are looking for inspiration, you can find celebration of life quotes and poems in our previous blogs.

If your loved one was known for their comedic side, you can also choose to incorporate lighthearted remarks that can help attendees remember the fun side of their loved one.

Practicing What You Have Prepared

Before the day of the event, you may find that practicing what you have prepared can provide you additional comfort when delivering the speech. Because it is natural to be filled with emotion on the day of the event, some find that knowing their speech well supports a smoother delivery. 

You may also find it helpful to ask to practice your speech with a fellow family member. For some, having outside input brings peace of mind and confidence about your speech. 

Delivering a Memorial Speech

When the time comes to give a memorial speech, you may find it helpful to take a deep breath before beginning. Many speakers choose to start off their speech by introducing themselves and explaining their relationship with the loved one who passed away. This can help provide context to guests who may not know them personally.

During your speech, it is natural if you become emotional and need to take a moment to collect yourself before proceeding with your message. 

Finally, remember that there is no one right thing you can say in your speech. Whatever you choose to share, your personal remarks, stories, and memories can help reflect on your loved one’s life, experiences, and relationships. Your words can depict their impact on you which can be a beautiful token of remembrance.

If you are looking for further guidance and inspiration in planning a personalized celebration of life, our team at Lighten is ready to help. Contact us today to begin.