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Three Approaches to Inexpensive Cremation 

We understand that memorial planning with cost in mind can be a little difficult. You may find yourself feeling as though you shouldn’t worry about expenses because you’re supposed to do the best you possibly can for your loved one. At Lighten, we believe the memorial planning process can come without the ideas of shouldn’t and supposed to. Instead, the process can be about creating a deeply personalized reflection of your loved one’s unique life. In this article we are looking at some ways to opt for an inexpensive cremation while giving your loved one the respectful and dignified celebration they deserve. 

Free Cremation: Body Donation 

The most inexpensive cremation option available is actually a free one. This is facilitated by scientific research centers that accept body donations. After a period of typically 3-5 weeks following the donation, the center will return the cremated remains of the loved one to the family. 

Every year, thousands of people donate their body to scientific research that advances medicine, potentially saves lives, and establishes a basis for new medical professionals to continue growing the field. Opting for body donation could serve as a personal reflection of your loved one’s giving spirit, their interest in science or medicine, or their dedication to making the world a better place. The decision to donate is made by the person before their passing. If you are researching arrangements for yourself or beginning the planning process for your loved one, this could be a topic to explore.  

Inexpensive Cremation: Direct 

Some funeral homes offer cremation services that include a traditional funeral with the body present, before cremation. This would include elements such as embalming, viewing, and a casket. And the cost for these elements, in addition to the multiple transportation costs, can start to add up. Alternatively, an inexpensive cremation option would be direct cremation. This is when the loved one is transported directly to be cremated, without holding traditional funeral services first. The average cost of direct cremation is about $600-$1,000, and often varies by area.  

Inexpensive Cremation and Ceremony 

The current median price of a traditional funeral and burial is $9,420, according to the NFDA. By planning for both an inexpensive cremation and ceremony, the loved one can be celebrated and honored with the same regard for a fraction of that cost. In fact, alternatives to traditional funeral and burial services may allow you to plan a memorial that is even more special; because it has been completely customized around your loved one’s unique identity. Below are a few ways that you can incorporate inexpensive cremation into a cost-effective celebration of life event. 

Keeping or Spreading the Ashes 

Whether you decide on free or direct cremation, you have the opportunity to personalize what will happen to the ashes. For example, you may decide to keep them in an urn that is engraved with your loved one’s favorite saying or you may find inspiration in one of the many cremation art options. Alternatively, the ashes can be spread ceremoniously. Lighten worked with one family to plan a virtual memorial service that included a pre-recorded segment of the spreading of the ashes. This loved one was very fond of the water, and so, their family took the ashes aboard a boat and spread them over the water. From including this segment in the virtual service to the choice of location for the ashes, this family added a personalized touch to a beautiful memorial. 

Virtual Memorial Service 

Planning for an inexpensive cremation and virtual memorial service helps you avoid the costs of not only a funeral home but also the costs of hosting a reception. Virtual memorial services can be customized and they are highly accessible to those who wish to celebrate your loved one – especially when family and friends are spread out in different states or countries. Lighten can help you plan a virtual memorial that is not at all like a corporate Zoom meeting but rather a carefully crafted ceremony that reflects the identity of your loved one. 

Lighten Can Help 

We believe that memorializing your loved one does not have to be expensive. There are many affordable options available and Lighten can help you plan for them. Contact us about a virtual memorial service, hosting a memorial at home, or with any questions you may have.